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Spoofing: A Silent Threat in the Digital World That Cannot Be Ignored


In an era where technology permeates every aspect of our lives, the dangers associated with cybercrime are growing at an alarming rate. One of the most insidious tools used by cybercriminals is spoofing. This technique allows attackers to impersonate other people, institutions, or devices to deceive their victims and gain access to sensitive information. Spoofing […]

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Neurodiversity as an Untapped Potential


Neurodiversity is an untapped potential that can bring numerous benefits to companies

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A Deeper Insight into Adaptation and Maintaining Efficiency


The time change is also an opportunity to reflect on our relationship with time, work, and health.

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Understanding the “Lazy Day”


Lack of motivation at work can have many different and often complex and multifaceted sources

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How to Persist with New Year’s Resolutions


As the New Year begins, many people set out to make positive changes in their lives. However, research shows that maintaining New Year’s resolutions is often challenging and frequently ends in failure. This article focuses on scientific methods that can help persist with New Year’s resolutions. The Most Common New Year’s Resolutions A YouGov survey […]

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The Accumulation of Marginal Gains


In the era of instant gratification, many of us are in search of quick fixes and immediate results. Yet, many find that real successes often require time and patience. But what if the secret to enduring change lies in patience, small steps, and daily consistency? Small Steps Lead to Big Changes We often get disheartened […]

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Digital Stress in the Workplace


Within the context of the workplace, this stress can have severe consequences for employees’ health, their productivity, and the overall team atmosphere.

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The Impact of Diet on Health and Work Efficiency


The modern world of work is full of challenges and places demands on us in various dimensions. However, not everyone realizes that one of the keys to achieving success at work is something as basic as what we eat every day. Diet has a profound influence on our health, well-being, and efficiency. So how does […]

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Paving the Way to Success in Business


In the era of digitization and constant competition, the importance of the mental well-being of employees is often neglected. Yet, it is the people who are the most valuable asset of any company. Mental health in the workplace is a topic that requires constant attention and adaptation to changing conditions. A satisfied employee is more […]

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Sleep Quality – The Key to Work Efficiency


In the dynamic world we live in, it’s easy to overlook one of the most critical aspects of our health and well-being – sleep quality.

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Customer Experience (CX) – The Key to a Modern Organization’s SuccessCustomer Experience (CX)Customer Experience (CX) – The Key to a Modern Organization’s Success


Coping with Failure: How to Learn from It and What Science and Psychology Say


Failure is a natural part of life and the learning process

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Secrets of Combating Professional Burnout


Professional burnout has become a pervasive problem in the modern job market. According to the Institute of Sociological Research, 30% of workers in Poland have experienced symptoms of burnout within the past five years. But what exactly is “professional burnout” and how can we take proactive steps to prevent it? Definition of Professional Burnout The […]

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How we deliver projects (our rules) – THE ISOLUTION MANIFESTO


ISOLUTION is an engineering company that has always focused on creating products that deliver value to our Business Partners and their customers.  Every software development company refines its software development process, and each has a different idea on how this can be performed. It’s not an easy task because it depends on many components, such […]

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Pro-societal activities and CSR in ISOLUTION


#cooperation and #commitment are two basic values that guide us in our organization every day. When we talk about values, we think about specific behaviors that accompany us on a regular basis.   As the #IsolTeam community, we engage in various pro-societal and charity activities. MANAGEMENT3.0 Warsaw Our key event that has been ongoing for […]

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Supporting sales and handling of insurance claims using AI


Introduction The insurance industry offers a very wide range of products, such as individual, group, vehicle insurance and many more. Each of these require compliance with different procedures, and legal requirements and the analysis of various types of information both when selling the policies and when paying out due claims. This generates many processes that […]

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Domain adaptation with Xception and VGG16 models


When beginning a journey with artificial intelligence algorithms, it is worth asking yourself two fundamental questions: What is the issue we are trying to solve? How to build a model that will assist in solving this issue? To answer the first question, the only limiting factors are our imagination and the availability of data we […]

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The use of AI in the financial industry


According to a report on the use of artificial intelligence in the BFSI sector[1] (banking, financial services, insurance) the value of this market area was estimated at $2.5 billion in 2017. Forecasts show that by 2024 it can reach up to $25 billion. Companies in the area of ​​broadly defined financial services invest in solutions […]

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DL4J with Kafka Streams for Anomaly Detection


In my previous post we went over the topic of autoencoders. It is certainly knowledge worth implementing in one’s life. Let’s now imagine a system where the communication between servers is done using Kafka. During the lifetime of the system it turned out that some events are quite harmful. We must detect them and transfer […]

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Anomaly detection with Autoencoders


Anomalies in systems occur rarely. The validation layers stand guard over correctness by catching them out and eliminating them from the process. A cash withdrawal request in a place that is unusual for the card owner or a sensor reading that exceeds the norms can be verified based on profiles or historical data. However, what […]

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